
Friday 18 October 2013

Camembert Mousse Cheesecake

There are three things on the basis of my food pyramid: jam, cheese and cakes. In the next level ice cream, pop corn and blueberries can also be found. Then there is salmon, pretzels, toasts with salted butter and jelly babies. Finally, everything else.

Today´s recipe could perfectly be a square meal, as it contains everything listed on the basis of my food pyramid: jam, cheese and cake.

Let me introduce you to Mr. Camembert Mousse Cheesecake.

Mum, stop reading.

This cake is not the cheese cake we are all used to. This one is softer, as it´s a mousse instead of a sponge; and it´s stronger, as it´s made with real Camembert cheese.

And it´s completely absolutely gorgeous.

I know it because I licked the bowl after making it. Then I licked the spoon. And the spatula. And the whisk. And then I finished the cake and I licked the plate clean.

Just in case all the previous hasn´t been enough to make you jump and run straight to your kitchen, I´ll tell you the ultimate point for this recipe: you don´t need any eggs, flour or an oven to make it.

Add the wow factor to any meal with this simple, quick and truly yummy cake.


1 Cream Cheese Pot
1 Powdered Gelatine sachet
50gr Sugar
150gr Camembert cheese
300 ml double cream
7/10 Digestive biscuits

1 Passion Fruit and Nectarine jam pot. Better 2.


Crush the digestive biscuits and mix the resulting crumbs with approx 1/4 of the cream cheese pot. This will be the base for the cake, so depending on the size of your mould, you may need some more biscuits.

Smash the dough with a fork until having an smooth and consistent basis.


In a large bowl whip up the cream cheese and the sugar. Melt the Camembert in the microwave for around 20/30 seconds and add it to the mix. Tip: be careful with the cheese as it can burnt easily in the microwave. To avoid this, cut the cheese in squares and stir every 10 seconds.

Beat using an electric mixer for around 4 mins until the mixture has a smooth texture.

Add a little bit of warm water to the gelatine (enough to make it become wet) and mix with the rest of ingredients.

Then add the double cream and mix for 10 minutes. Tip: you will know that the mousse is ready when the mixture has doubled in volume.

Pour the mousse into the mould and refrigerate at least 3 hours. Check that the mousse is set and spread the Nectarine and Passion Fruit jam all over the cake.

Finally remove from the mould and serve chilled.

This cake can be made with almost any cheese and can be decorated in many ways: with fruit, jam, white chocolate...

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