
Friday 21 March 2014

King Prawns, Emmental and Avocado Pasties

Can you believe it’s 21st March already?!?

The weather has been so amazingly warm lately, so we had an incredibly busy weekend last week: playing in the park, riding our bikes, walking across the river side, enjoying the sunshine and the summer-like days. Making dinner wasn't so much of a priority.

Have I mentioned before that I love pastries? Yes? Well, I'll say it again. I love pastries! So quick and easy to make, can be filled with almost anything, you can prepare them in advance and then eat them any time. Or you can fill them, put them in the freezer and cook straight from frozen!

And they don’t need to be unhealthy. Everything depends on what you put inside.

Last weekend, my family decided to do a picnic by the river side. As the “window weather” has fooled us quite a few if times (Oh, look! Is that the sun?! Yes, it seems a sunbeam! Let’s go outside!!! – And then you realise it is actually freezing…), we picked our jumpers, coats, gloves and scarfs and off we went. But this time it was real! 20 degrees!!!!

We packed our lunch, took our bikes and the picnic mat and went to the river side for one of the most wonderful days so far this year.

Families having a day out, people playing with their dogs, bikes, friends, first dates, laughs, sun, soft grass and completely absolutely nothing to do. And Exe River side is perfect for that.
One of those days that recharges your batteries and makes you feel just happy and grateful to be alive.

And because this week has been the International Day of Happiness, we have launched a very special "Happiness Plan": for the following 10 days we will be exploring each one of the 10 keys to happier living. We will publish one action per day with our Facebook Friends and, at the end, we will give a Taster Box completely for free to one of you who follow the whole plan. You just need to answer the daily question in the comments of the post.
This week’s recipe is a truly easy, delicious and very handy! And will let you have plenty of time to enjoy the sun (while it lasts!).


1 Puff Pastry Roll
150gr King Prawns
150gr Emmental Cheese
1 Avocado
1 Egg
1 Lime


Heat the oven up to 180.

Cut the pastry roll into squares (approx. 10cm/4 inch long). Put a strip of the emmental cheese, 4/5 king prawns and some avocado. Squeeze a bit of the lime juice on top and spread a teaspoon of cranberry jam. Tip: for an oriental twist, add some soy sauce instead of lemon.

Roll up each square and put them in a baking tray leaving the fold down. With a knife, make some soft cuts along the pasty. With the help of a fork, smash the edges of the pasty to avoid the filling spilling out. Paint with the egg to give them a shiny and delicious aspect.

Bake the pastries until brown golden. Tip: you can freeze them and cook straight from frozen. In this case, don’t paint with the egg until you’re cooking them.

Leave them to cold or eat them warm. Share them with your family or eat them at once. Bring them to a picnic or eat them on your sofa. But please, please, please… try them as they’re amazing!


  1. The today recipe is really delicious, I know what I'm talking about, I ate almost all them. I would like comment the pictures too: Your photos are better and better, congratulations! I really like the one with the flowers' reflection into the cutter, is absolutely lovely!

  2. Love the pics!

  3. Thank you! It is really hard to take pictures to food!!!


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