
Friday 2 May 2014

Guacamole in a Boat

My 4 year old child is going through a difficult stage. He feels upset. Very cross. Displeased in general with the world, with how life is set up. And the most frustrating thing is that I cannot do absolutely anything to change that, apart from being supportive and loving when he needs it. Because what he wants is to be with us the whole day. With no school, nor work or responsibilities.

And that's not possible. And he knows is not. But that's not enough. He feels it's not fair. And to be completely honest with you, me neither. 

I don't like how the world works.

Speaking about this with my husband I told him "he only has 2 options: stay cross or resign and accept that’s the way it is.”

How sad is that???

And I’m so sorry, but there is no plot twist this week. Life is set up to produce and generate, rather than to enjoy, create and dream. 

It is out of our hands to change the whole system. But we can do small things to make it better, more pleasant and interesting. Me and my son sat down and wrote a list of things that would make our days better. Things like:

- Eat more chocolate (this one will definitely do it!)
- Stop working and going to school.
- Going bed early and having breakfast together early in the morning.
- Stop eating runner beans.
- Inventing a machine to print money.

I’m sure you’ll be able to work out who said what. We agreed that he was going to go to bed early in the evenings and then I will wake him up, dress him up and we will have a long breakfast together. We wrote and signed our agreement and pinned it to the wall of our living room.

After 3 days he run to me when picking him up from school and said “mummy, mummy, our plan works!!! I have had a great day today!”

Sometimes the more difficult problem can be solved with the easiest solution. This week recipe is just that. An easy (and tasty!) solution for a taught decision... what to eat some nachos with?

P.D. If politicians just had a word with my son… 


2 Avocados
1 Diced ripe Tomato
½ Diced onion
A clove of chopped garlic
A few coriander springs
½ Lemon
½ Lime
A pinch of salt and pepper
1tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Cut the avocados in halves and remove the bone. With the help of a spoon, remove all the avocado from the shells being careful not to break them. In a large bowl, mash the avocado with a fork. Add the onion, tomato, olive oil and stir.

Squeeze some lime and lemon juice and mix gently again. This will prevent the guacamole getting brown.

Finally add the coriander, salt and pepper to taste.

Put the mixture back into the avocado shells and decorate your guacamole in a boat with some coriander and nacho as a sail.

¡QuĂ© aproveche!

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