
Friday 22 August 2014

Gooseberry & Mackerel Ceviche

Luck. This is the word I've been hearing the most over the last few weeks. 

How lucky you are. How jammy can you get. You was born under a lucky star. You always come up smelling of roses. 

And I indeed feel fortunate. But to be honest, I know little or nothing about luck. I've never relied on it and I’m afraid of people who do.

So that’s it. I don’t believe in luck. I believe in hard work and in being ready to take advantage of opportunity. To overcome the bad times

I believe that luck is the result of determination and chance.  In other words, the more doors you knock on, the more chances you have that someone will open one. Maybe the most difficult part is to be able to point all your efforts in promoting positive opportunities. Just an iota of what happens in our lives depends on fortune. Most of the things that we achieve, or not, happen due to where we are, where we have been previously, what are we doing, what we have done and what are we willing to do. Or what we not.

If we can set achievable goals. Or even better, if we believe any goal can be achievable if we put towards them enough effort, resources and willingness. If we work hard. If we believe. In ourselves. In our potential. In our capacity.

Then, good things will come.

It won’t be today. Maybe neither tomorrow or in the near future. But if you enjoy every step of the process. If you really make every day one to be worth it. Then, one way or another all the effort will be rewarded.

Some people seem to think that effort equals suffering. That perseverance equals boredom. That willingness equals thoughtlessness. But effort per se doesn't necessarily need to have a bad meaning. It means to devote time and energy in the same direction and with a certain objective. It means a plan. It means control. It means to be flexible enough to change and adapt yourself to whatever is to come.

In my living room I have a canvas that says “sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you didn't even knew you had”.

This week's recipe may be seen as the beginner's luck. Maybe. Or… maybe not.

Good night, and good luck.


For the Ceviche

3 Fresh Whole Mackerels
250gr Gooseberries
Juice from 5 Limes and 4 Lemons (or enough to fully cover the Mackerels)
A bunch of fresh Coriander
1tbsp Rock Salt

For the garnish

100gr Baby Leaf Salad
50gr Grated Beetroot
A handful of fresh red currants
3tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pink Peppercorn to taste


The most important thing when preparing a ceviche is that the fish needs to be absolutely clean and bone free. Ask to your fishmonger to clean the fish as much as they can, removing the head and bones, but leaving the fillets together.

At home, rinse the fish with cool water. Look carefully to take out any remaining bone. Place the fish in a kitchen paper and dry it out as much as possible.

Place the fish in a deep bowl and add the gooseberries cut in halves, the coriander and the rock salt. Pour the lime and lemon juice and cover with cling film. Tip: the juice MUST cover the fish completely in order for it to cure.

Put it in the fridge for at least 4.30 hours. Tip: you may say when the fish is ready because its flesh will have turned white.

Once the fish is completely marinated, flake the flesh in medium size pieces. Set aside.

It’s time to prepare the dressing. Mix 3tbsp of the lemon and lime juice where the fish was with the olive oil. Add then the gooseberries and some coriander to the mixture.

In a big plate, put the leaves and the grated beetroot. Add the mackerel and pour your salad with the dressing.

Finally, put the red currants and sprinkle some pink peppercorn over the dish.

Eat immediately.

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