
Broccoli & Cheese Roulade

Friday 22 July 2016

That’s it. I’m absolutely fed up of bad news. The last couple of weeks I’ve been battling with this completely overwhelming nonsense feeling and I’ve had enough. ENOUGH.

The entire world seems to have gone mad and you know what? That is a train I’m going to lose.

For this reason, this week I’ve made a resolution. A summer one. Maybe because I’m terrible with the New Year’s ones. But this time, I’m completely determined: I’m going to enjoy life. So simple and so difficult to accomplish at the same time that I’ve set up a feasible target. I’m not going to worry about anything but what next I’m doing to have fun for a week. A whole week of fun and joy.

To do so, I’ve prepared a complete and thorough “nothing but delight myself and the ones around me” programme. I thought about sharing it with you in case you want to join me!

  • Monday – Pack dinner and take the boys to the beach until as late as they want.
  • Tuesday – Prepare a nice picnic and meet with friends in the park.
  • Wednesday – Fill the paddling pool and enjoy a frozen beer under the sun with my husband.
  • Thursday – Go to the farm meadows and frolic like there's no tomorrow.
  • Friday – Spend the afternoon eating cake and drinking tea. Extend to the evening if needed.
  • Saturday – Take part in a muddy run with my friend Paula and then go out for lunch covered in dirt.
  • Sunday – Watch Dirty Dancing for the zillionth time. Fell asleep and have a nap.
On Monday the following week I promise I’ll come back to be responsible, sensible, mature, committed individual I normally am.

But for the time being, can someone please stop the World? I Want to Get Off.

This week recipe was the first step to my worry-free week. An amazing…. 


1 Broccoli
3 Potatoes
9 Emmental Cheese Slices (or any other sliced cheese of your choice)
4 Spring Onions
2tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Shortcrust Pastry Roll
1 Egg


Preheat the oven to 200C.

Boil the potatoes and broccoli until soft and tender. Drain and set aside.

Unroll the pastry roll and put the cheese slices covering as much surface as possible. Mash the potatoes and broccoli together and season with the olive oil, salt and pepper.

Cover the cheese with the mashed broccoli, leaving one of the pastry ends without filling as in the picture below.

Chop the spring onions and sprinkle on top.

Roll the pastry carefully finishing by the side without filling. Brush with beaten egg and bake for 25 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown.

Serve warm and enjoy!

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